Velocity API specification v 1.0
This is the 1.0
version of the Velocity API specification.
The Velocity API uses JSON
as its language.
Velocity manages virtual machines and resources seperately.
For resources, velocity uses so-called "pools" and virtual machines are managed in "catalogs".
The API is divided into several namespaces:
Velocity handles authentication using the Bearer
authentication method with the token being aliased as the Authkey
Refer to the Vapor manual for more information.
If the API enconters some kind of error, it will respond with a http-response code in a non-200 range and an error as follows:
"code": "<Error code>",
"message": "<Some error message (optional)>"
Some additional fields may be added to the error response depending on calls but this layout is guaranteed.
For an exhaustive list of available error codes, refer to the ERRORS article.
Some http-response codes are fixed:
400 - Bad Request
: The request is missing fields -
401 - Unauthorized
: The request is missing theauthkey
for privileged actions -
500 - Internal Server Error
: The server encountered an error while processing the request
Entity hierarchy
Velocity's main work horse are groups. Each Virtual machine is owned by a group, wich is owned by another parent group. All the way up to the root
group (0
Each user can be assigned to a group with permissions. These permissions for groups persist for all subgroups. This allows a user that has a permission in a parent group to use it in subgroups. This allows for building a structured and manageable entity and user tree.
For permissions, read the PERMISSIONS article.
classDiagram Group <|-- Group: Subgroup Pool <|-- Pool: Subpool Group <|-- User: Has permissions on Group --|> Pool: Has permissions on Pool <|-- Media: Is part of Group: gid Group: name User: uid User: name User: password Pool: pid Pool: name Pool: quota_mib Media: mid Media: name Media: size_mib