Virtual machine management

Velocity's main purpose is to manage virtual machines. This is the place for that.

A word about NICs

Network devices are a tricky thing, especially bridge devices. Velocity gives the job of assigning host nics to the administrator. As with media pools, the administrator is responsible for providing a stable NICID that the virtual NICs can use if they operate in BRIDGE mode.

VM states

A virtual machine can be in one of the following states:

  • STOPPED: The virtual machine is not running

  • STARTING: The virtual machine is moving to the RUNNING state (hypervisor)

  • RUNNING: The virtual machine is running

  • PAUSING: The virtual machine is moving to the PAUSED state (hypervisor)

  • PAUSED: The virtual machine is paused and waiting for resume

  • RESUMING: The virtual machine is moving back to the RUNNING state after being in the PAUSED state (hypervisor)

  • STOPPING: The virtual machine is moving to the STOPPED state (hypervisor)

A user can request state changes from the server, but can only transition to those that are not marked with (hypervisor).

Available endpoints

Virtual machine management

NIC management

Virtual machine management

/v/vm/list - POST

List all available virtual machines for a group


The calling user needs the velocity.vm.view permission on the target group


  "authkey": "<authkey>",
  "gid": "<GID>",


  • 200:
  "vms": [
      "vmid": "<VMID>",
      "name": "<Name>",
      "cpus": "<CPU count>",
      "memory_mib": "<Memory in MiB>",
      "state": "<VM state>"
  • 401 - Unauthorized: The calling user lacks permissions

  • 404 - Not Found: The GID couldn't be found

/v/vm - POST

Retrieve information about a virtual machine


The calling user needs the velocity.vm.view permission on the group owning the VM


    "authkey": "<authkey>",
    "vmid": "<VMID>"


  • 200:
  "vmid": "<VMID>",
  "name": "<VM name>",
  "type": "<EFI/...>",
  "state": "<VM state>",

  "cpus": "<Amount of CPUs assigned>",
  "memory_mib": "<Memory size in MiB>",

  "displays": [
      "name": "<Friendly name>",
      "width": "<Screen width>",
      "height": "<Screen height>",
      "ppi": "<Pixels per inch>"
  "media": [
      "mid": "<MID>",
      "mode": "<USB / BLOCK / VIRTIO>",
      "readonly": true
  "nics": [
      "type": "<NAT / BRIDGE>",
      "host": "<Host NICID (BRIDGE only)>"

  "rosetta": true,
  "autostart": true
  • 404 - Not Found: The VMID couldn't be found or the user lacks permissions to view the vm

/v/vm/efi - PUT

Create a new virtual machineCreate a new EFI virtual machine using the supplied data


The calling user needs the velocity.vm.create permission on the target group


  "name": "<VM name>",
  "gid": "<GID>",

  "cpus": "<Amount of CPUs assigned>",
  "memory_mib": "<Memory size in MiB>",
  "displays": [
      "name": "<Friendly name>",
      "width": "<Screen width>",
      "height": "<Screen height>",
      "ppi": "<Pixels per inch>"
  "media": [
      "mid": "<MID>",
      "mode": "<USB / BLOCK / VIRTIO>",
      "readonly": true
  "nics": [
      "type": "<NAT / BRIDGE>",
      "host": "<Host NICID (BRIDGE only)>"

  "rosetta": true,
  "autostart": true

Field descriptions:

  • name: A unique name in the group to identify this virtual machine

  • gid: The group this vm belongs to

  • cpus: The amount of virtual CPUs that should be available to the guest

  • memory_mib: The amount of memory assigned to the guest in MiB

  • displays: An array of displays

    • description: A way if identifying this display

    • width: The width in px

    • height: The height in px

  • media: An array of attached media devices

    • mid: The MID of the media to attach

    • mode: The mode the device should use:

      • USB: The media is attached via USB

      • BLOCK: The VZVirtioBlockDeviceConfiguration is used to emulate a block device

      • VIRTIO: Use VirtIO for device attachment

    • readonly: Block writing to the media, if not already blocked by other rules

  • nics: An array of attached network devices

    • type The type of NIC:

      • NAT: Use a NAT

      • BRIDGE: Bridge a host network device

    • host: (only needed when BRIDGE): The host device to bridge (NICID)

  • rosetta: Whether to enable the rosetta x86 translation layer if available on the host

  • autostart: Whether to automatically start this virtual machine on Velocity startup


  • 200: Virtual machine created
  "vmid": "<VMID>"
  • 401 - Unauthorized: The calling user lacks permissions

  • 404 - Not Found: A linked resource couldn't be found

  • 406 - Not Acceptable: There was a quota violation or invalid type or mode specified

  • 409 - Conflict: A virtual machine in this group with the same name does already exist

/v/vm/state - POST

Request the current vm state


The calling user needs the velocity.vm.view permission on the group the vm belongs to


  "vmid": "<VMID>"


  • 200:
  "vmid": "<VMID>",
  "state": "<VM state>"
  • 403 - Forbidden: The calling user lacks permissions

  • 404 - Not Found: The VMID is not available or doesn't exist

/v/vm/state - PUT

Request a state change for the virtual machine. Valid states:





The calling user needs the velocity.vm.state permission on the group the vm belongs to


  "vmid": "<VMID>",
  "state": "<VM state>",
  "force": true

If the force flag is set to true state changes will be forceful (eg. shutdown being immediate instead of graceful)


  • 200: State changed. If the VM is already in the requested state, 200 will be used.
  "vmid": "<VMID>",
  "state": "<VM state>"
  • 403 - Forbidden: The calling user lacks permissions

  • 404 - Not Found: The VMID is not available to the user or doesn't exist

  • 500 - Internal Server Error: A hypervisor error occured during state transition

NIC management

/v/nic/list - POST

List all available host NICs available for BRIDGE use


The calling user needs the velocity.nic.list permission somewhere




  "host_nics": [
      "nicid": "<NICID>",
      "description": "<Host OS description>",
      "identifier": "<Host OS identifier>"